Thursday, 30 August 2012

Very low fat fruit loaf

This fruit loaf is very healthy having lots of fibre in it and fruit.

I use a mug for measuring.

One mug of All bran original cereal
One mug of milk (I use semi skimmed but skimmed milk would work just as well.)
One mug of sultana or raisins
Half a mug of 'half and half sugar' or you could just use a mug of sugar if you aren't watching your weight.
Half a mug of oats
Half a mug of self raising flour
A chopped up banana

Soak the all bran with the milk and sugar for half an hour until soft and squishy.
Add the fruit, oats and self raising flour

Put in a loaf tin and bake for about 40 mins to an  hour at 160 (depends on your oven)
A skewer should come out clean.

Let it cool a little then wrap tightly in cling film and leave for a few hours. The cake becomes much more moist if you leave it for a while. It is good for a few days, if it lasts that long!

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